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Make new buttons by copying and pasting an existing button

How to create new buttons by copy and pasting an existing one.pdf

There are two ways to paste fields after you copy them:

No additional reprogramming for buttons will be required (as long as the original fields/buttons are in good working order)

Keep in mind that any buttons you paste will need to be reprogrammed as they will be pointed to the original fields.

It’s important to choose the right option otherwise it could break linking, buttons may need to be reprogrammed, new fields won’t import into letters etc.

Clear button

This video will go over how to create a clear button. 

In the Fields column, you will type the FID of the field that needs to be cleared. 

For the type column, you will put STV. 

The action column will be left blank. 

Previous buttons

This video goes over how to create a button that will insert the previous values for the entire tab, specific fields as well as previous finalized glasses and contact Rx buttons.

Not included in this video: How to make a Previous from Date button. For the Previous from Date button, you will use -PV as the type. More on this in the Previous Value Button Functions PDF to the right.

Previous Value Button Functions.pdf

Previous Value Button Functions

Set a field to the previous value of another field SPF.pdf

How to make a button that can set a field to the previous value of a different field

Buttons that insert text (Set to Value)

How to add buttons that insert text.pdf

Equal / Link to field(s) button

This section will go over how to make buttons that link to another field. Most commonly used to copy OD to OS or copy one section of your record to another section (Trial 1 -> Trial 2, for example).

How to make a link to field or equals button.pdf

Normal and All Else Normal buttons

Normal button -> this will populate the normal value into fields

All Else Normal -> this will populate the normal value ONLY if the field is empty. 

How to make a Shift F8 button that includes checkboxes.pdf

How to make your Normal button include checkboxes.

If... Then... buttons

How to make an if then button.pdf

This PDF goes over how to make an If... Then... button. 

This set up is typically used when creating an All Else Normal button, but you can utilize it in multiple ways.  

Finalize Prescription (Glasses / Contacts)

How to make a send to final prescription button.pdf

Search CL button

How to create a button that will use a contact lens vendor catalog and insert the selected parameters into the contact fields. 

How to make a CL Search Button.pdf

PDF version of creating a Search CL button

Overview Demo of using CL Catalog to streamline your ordering.

More information on CL ordering

Using the Search CL Button.pdf

PDF version of using the Search CL button in Crystal PM.

Billing Code Buttons

Adding a new billing button.pdf

How to make a new billing code button.

How to modify billing code buttons.pdf

How to modify an existing billing code button.

Diagnosis code / Plan buttons

How to modify the diagnosis buttons in A&P

a)only diagnosis b)diagnosis & plan/education etc.

Adding and Removing Dx Buttons.pdf

How to add and remove diagnosis code buttons

Adding plan and education to Dx buttons.pdf

How to add plan or education to existing diagnosis code buttons

modify the plan buttons.pdf

How to modify existing buttons that only populate plans

ICD10 Buttons - Search Criteria.pdf

Explanation of Search Criteria for ICD 10 diagnosis code buttons

Multi-function buttons

Creating a button that will perform multiple actions such as filling out the chief complaint, pressing all else normal buttons, inserting a Dx code, plan and a CPT code.  

Misc. Buttons 

How to make a time and or date button.pdf

How to make a button that will insert the current date and/or time.

Simple equation button.pdf

Programming a button to do a simple equation.

Creating a button that will import information from the Patient module into fields in the Records module.  

Good to know

Pre-Loaded Application & button code guide.pdf

Pre-loaded applications & button code guide (STV, LTF etc.)