Admin > Email
There are 3 types of email services available within CrystalPM; Direct Mail, Email Non-Direct, & the Patient Communicator.
Direct Mail is a paid encrypted email service used to email other providers with direct mail patient information and records. This service is $240 a year per location paid directly to CrystalPM.
Email Non-Direct allows you to link your basic office email to send patient recalls, online form registration, and patient portal access. Please note that the email provider must allow 3rd party access. We only have documentation on how to set up a Gmail account.
For information regarding Patient Communicator or texting/email, click here: CrystalPM Text

Linking Gmail To CrystalPM

Use Of Email In CrystalPM
Direct Mail Tutorial
Direct Mail is a paid encrypted email service used to email other providers with direct mail patient information and records. This service is $240 a year per location paid directly to CrystalPM.
How To Send Mass Emails Using Outlook & MS Word