Admin > Company
Admin > Company
Admin - Company Tab Explained
How To Import A Logo (1:15)
How To Edit The Top/Bottom Information Bars (1:57)
How To Edit Company Information (2:24)
General Tab Options Explained (3:00)
Billing Tab Options Explained (9:06)
Records Tab Options Explained (17:25)
Security/Security 2 Tabs Explained (23:53)
Locations Tab Explained (26:06)
Other Companies/Time Sync Tabs Explained (26:31)
Admin - Company Tab Explained PDF
This is a PDF version of the Company Tab Explained from the video above
How To Set Up Top & Bottom Title Bars
This is a PDF guide on how to add displayable information to your top/bottom title bars when accessing a patient within Crystal.
FTC Explained
The FTC requires prescribers to request that their patients confirm that they have received their prescription and allows flexibility in the way the prescription and confirmation are provided. As detailed in a final notice of rulemaking, a contact lens/glasses fitting, prescribers will be required to do one of the following to confirm that a patient received their prescription:
Request that the patient acknowledge receipt of the contact lens/glasses prescription by signing a separate confirmation statement
Request that the patient sign a prescriber-retained copy of the prescription that contains a statement confirming the patient has received it
Request that the patient sign a prescriber-retained copy of the sales receipt for the examination that contains a statement confirming the patient received the prescription; or
Provide the patient with a digital copy of the prescription, and retain evidence that it was sent, received, or made accessible, downloadable, and printable