Admin > Eprescribe

Currently there are 2 integrations available for Eprescribe within CrystalPM; Veradigm (Allscripts) & Synapse (EIR Systems)

Veradigm (Allscripts)

Please note that when it comes to creating accounts within Allscripts, the main provider should be the only account that is being creating through the Allscripts registration form. Once the main providers account has been created you are able to add other provider & staff accounts under their account. If everyone creates their own stand alone account, we will not be able to link those accounts together.

Creating Allscripts Accounts.pdf

Allscripts Account Creation

Use of Allscripts in CrystalPM.pdf

How To Use Allscripts Inside CrystalPM

Synapse (EIR Systems)

Synapse (EIR System) Setup.pdf

Synapse Account Creation & Use

Synapse Prescribe (EIR) Pricing Sheet.pdf

Synapse Pricing Info