
In this section you will find documentation and videos related to the Optical/Ordering section of CrystalPM

Contact Lens Ordering Integrations

Contact lens Integration - Updated.pdf

This document will go over our integration for contact lens ordering. We currently integrate with:

The integration process and ordering for each company is the exact same around the board.

Frame Lab Integrations: DVI (Rx Wizard), Optivision Labs, VisiOffice, SpecCheck RX, VisionWeb

DVI RX Wizard Setup.pdf
Optivision Labs Integration Guide.pdf
SpecCheck Rx Integration Guide.pdf
VisiOffice integration.pdf
VisionWeb Integration - Updated 2021.pdf

Frames Page Defaults & Spectacle Order Setup

Optical Setup Guide - Updated 2022.pdf

Frame Order Packages

How to use the Packages Option in Frame Page Defaults - Updated.pdf