Admin Tabs
In this section you will find documentation and videos related to the Admin section of CrystalPM. Each section is broken down by the tabs available to the left side of the Admin page. Please note that if you do not have access to one of the tabs listed below within Crystal, a master admin user within Crystal will need to give you access.
CrystalPM employees are not permitted to give employees access to these tabs without permission from the owner or main provider of the office
In the coming weeks, VSP will implement changes to its VSPOne Technology Center network. The goal is to give providers more choice and flexibility to deliver quality products and services to VSP patients.
Outlined below are the changes you can expect in the coming weeks.
VSPOne Dallas and Tampa will be removed on October 15.
VSPOne Sacramento will be removed on November 2.
VSPOne Columbus will remain a dedicated lab for specific plan fulfillment including Advantage Elements, Elements, ProTec, and Safety Plan claims.
VSPOne Hawaii returns will continue to be fulfilled in our Hawaii lab.
Other VSPOne returns will be fulfilled by VSPOne Columbus.
All orders, including returns, submitted before the dates listed above will process and ship.
During this transition time prior to October 15, providers will have the ability to choose from all available VSPOne Labs.
VSP Integration Info
Updating the VSP Catalog
Go to Admin - On the left hand side of the screen go all the way down and select the VSP section.
Press the Download All Lists button on the Download List Tab. A window will open stating the following;
"Downloaded lists will not be reflected in any CrystalPM client until the program is restarted..."
Press the Yes button on this window to initiate the download of the catalogs.
Your office may be asked to verify your account status with Eyefinity. If so, a window will open informing you that your office will need to login in order to proceed with the catalog download. Once the window has been acknowledged another window will open allowing your office to enter the login credentials. Your office will only have 60 seconds to do this before timing out. IF that happens close the internet windows, go back to Admin > VSP and press the Download all button again. Re-enter your credentials when the login window opens.
If the dates of the downloaded catalogs do not reflect the date you did the update then press the Clear All List button and try the download again.
Once the catalog downloads are completed, navigate to the top right of the screen and press the Update Bill Codes Button. This will address any changes to the VSP bill codes (This will not wipe out current pricing on the VSP bill codes)
Once you have updated the bill codes press the Update Frame Page Defaults button. This will push the catalog updates coded by Crystal to the Defaults > Frame Page Defaults > VSP section
Next, navigate to the Defaults section on the left side of the screen
Once you get to Defaults go to the Frame Page Defaults (VSP) section
At the bottom left of the screen you will see a button that says Reload Eyefinity List. Press that button. You will then be asked if you wish to make a Backup of the current frame pages defaults. Say Yes and save the file in a location that can be easily accessed.
Crystal will then push both the downloaded catalog updates and the Crystal PM VSP bill code linking to the Frame Page Defaults (VSP) section.
When doing this final step it may look like Crystal "froze" this is normal as it loads all the information in to the Frame Page Defaults (VSP) section.
Once you have done that it is advised to close and relaunch Crystal.