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How To Update CrystalPM
If you need to update your Crystal PM software but are unsure how to or if the is a new version available, please follow the steps below.
In Crystal go to Admin > Updates > click the button for "Check For Updates Online"
If there is a new version available a box will appear letting you know the version that is available to download.
Click the "Update" button. You will see a % counter appear at the top of the page. Please do not leave the page until it says completed. It will automatically close out of the CrystalPM software and run the updates on that one computer.
If CrystalPM is open on any computers during this process, you will want to completely close out of the software and re-open CrystalPM from the desktop icon for those computers to also get the update.
Ran Updates But A Computer Is Still Showing An Older Version
If you ran updates for CrystalPM but one or more computers are still showing they are on an older version please follow the steps below.
On the computer(s) that did not receive the update, go to the top of CrystalPM to Configuration
Select the options for Synchronize Client
This will force close CrystalPM to re-run updates on that computer. Be sure to open CrystalPM from the desktop icon and not any that have been pinned to the Windows task bar.
My Scan Button Is Missing
If you run into a situation where your "Add Scanned Files" button or the "Scanner" buttons are no longer visible, please follow the steps below.
If you are using a Twain Scanner, such as HP, Brother, Epson, Xerox, etc.
Go to the top of CrystalPM to Configuration > Scan Options
Select Scanner (Twain)
A box will appear to have a list of scanner drivers, make sure you have one selected for TW or the scanner name. (Avoid any option for WIA)
If you are using a ScanSnap scanner.
Go to the top of CrystalPM to Configuration > Scan Options.
Select Scanner (External App)
CrystalPM Is Running Slow
If you have noticed that your CrystalPM software is running slower than usual, please follow the steps below.
Reboot your server and computers experiencing the issue
Reboot your internet modems
Make sure any virus scans are set for the end of the day
Make sure online backups are not running during business hours
Make sure all patients are signed out
If you do not use CPM Messaging you can turn this off by going into Admin > Company > General > Check "Turn Off All Messaging"
If you are not participating in Meaningful Use or MIPS you can disable the Audit Log by going into Admin > Company > Security 2 > Check "Disable Audit Log"
Optimize the database by going to Admin > Computers > "Optimize Database"
Updating The VSP Catalog
Updating the VSP Catalogs
Go to Admin - On the left hand side of the screen go all the way down and select the VSP section.
Press the Download All Lists button on the Download List Tab. A window will open stating the following;
"Downloaded lists will not be reflected in any CrystalPM client until the program is restarted..."
Press the Yes button on this window to initiate the download of the catalogs.
Your office may be asked to verify your account status with Eyefinity. If so, a window will open informing you that your office will need to login in order to proceed with the catalog download. Once the window has been acknowledged another window will open allowing your office to enter the login credentials. Your office will only have 60 seconds to do this before timing out. IF that happens close the internet windows, go back to Admin > VSP and press the Download all button again. Re-enter your credentials when the login window opens.
If the dates of the downloaded catalogs do not reflect the date you did the update then press the Clear All List button and try the download again.
Once the catalog downloads are completed, navigate to the top right of the screen and press the Update Bill Codes Button. This will address any changes to the VSP bill codes (This will not wipe out current pricing on the VSP bill codes)
Once you have updated the bill codes press the Update Frame Page Defaults button. This will push the catalog updates coded by Crystal to the Defaults > Frame Page Defaults > VSP section
Next, navigate to the Defaults section on the left side of the screen
Once you get to Defaults go to the Frame Page Defaults (VSP) section
At the bottom left of the screen you will see a button that says Reload Eyefinity List. Press that button. You will then be asked if you wish to make a Backup of the current frame pages defaults. Say Yes and save the file in a location that can be easily accessed.
Crystal will then push both the downloaded catalog updates and the Crystal PM VSP bill code linking to the Frame Page Defaults (VSP) section.
When doing this final step it may look like Crystal "froze" this is normal as it loads all the information in to the Frame Page Defaults (VSP) section.
Once you have done that it is advised to close and relaunch Crystal.
System Requirements
If you have questions on what specs are needed for either a workstation or server computer, please look over the document. This will go over the minimum and recommended specs for overall best performance when running the CrystalPM software.

How To Install CrystalPM Onto A Workstation (LOCAL SERVER)
If you need assistance with installing CrystalPM onto a new workstation and you are using the local server version of CrystalPM, please follow the guide. If you are using the cloud version of CrystalPM, please contact support.

How To Backup The CrystalPM Database
If you need assistance with backing up your CrystalPM database, please follow the guide. Please note this can only be done on the server computer. If you are using the cloud version of CrystalPM, please contact support.

FTC Rule
The Final Rule requires prescribers to request that their patients confirm that they have received their prescription and allows flexibility in the way the prescription and confirmation are provided. As detailed in a final notice of rulemaking to be published shortly, after a contact lens/glasses fitting, prescribers will be required to do one of the following to confirm that a patient received their prescription:
Request that the patient acknowledge receipt of the contact lens/glasses prescription by signing a separate confirmation statement
Request that the patient sign a prescriber-retained copy of the prescription that contains a statement confirming the patient has received it
Request that the patient sign a prescriber-retained copy of the sales receipt for the examination that contains a statement confirming the patient received the prescription; or
Provide the patient with a digital copy of the prescription, and retain evidence that it was sent, received, or made accessible, downloadable, and printable