Advanced Template Editing

If any of the videos appear blurry, click the cog in the lower right hand corner and adjust the quality

Creating a clear button 

If any of the videos appear blurry, click the cog in the lower right hand corner and adjust the quality

Creating a previous button and previous glasses or contact Rx button

Link to field and ='s buttons 

Creating a set to value button 

Creating a button that will import information from the Patient module into fields in the Records module. 

Creating a button that will finalize the glasses or contact prescription

Creating a normal and all else normal button

This button links to the contact lens catalogs (ABB, OOGP, eDr etc.) After choosing your selections, the parameters are sent to the fields on your contact lens tab.

Overview demo video here:

How to modify the diagnosis buttons in A&P

a)only diagnosis b)diagnosis & plan/education etc.

Creating a button that will perform multiple actions such as filling out the chief complaint, pressing all else normal buttons, inserting a Dx code, plan and a CPT code. 

Pre-Loaded Application & button code guide.docx

Pre-loaded applications & button code guide (STV, LTF etc.)

How to add additional options for auto coding in the exam tab video tutorial

Adding new Clinical Decision Support Rules.pdf

How to add additional options for auto coding in the exam tab PDF tutorial